Havmeen Hearing Lab

Repair your Hearing Aid with us

Same Day Repair Available

If we have the necessary parts available, we can repair your hearing aid on the same day as your visit. We also offer expedited shipping when required.

0 +

Years of Care

0 K+

Patient Served


Proudly served over 100K+ of patients and counting

About us

For over 20+ Years, we have been repairing hearing aids of all kinds

We are committed to delivering exceptional service and can assist with repairs for all major brands. Our services come with a 6-month warranty for added peace of mind.

Our Services

World-Class Hearing Aid Repair Services for You and Your Loved Ones

Hearing Aid Repair

Same Day Service Available

We provide a wide range of services including minor hearing aid to major issues from all major brands hearing devices. With over 20 years of experience working with major manufacturers, you are guaranteed high-quality service and also offer warranty for a period of time. Bring new life back to your damaged hearing aids!

New Hearing Aids

Personalized Consultations

Call or come see us at our office for a free evaluation and reconnect with life through the latest technology. Our hearing specialists will guide you in selecting the perfect hearing aid manufacturer or device to match your lifestyle and preferences.

Our pricing plan

Invest in Your Hearing Aid

Elevate your hearing aid experience with our exclusive range of service packages, designed to cater to all your diverse hearing needs. Choose the one that suits you the best and experience the difference!

Essential Programming


/ Hearing Aid

Best for when your audiogram results have changed


Most Popular​

Standard Repair


/ Hearing Aid

Covers all of the hearing aid components that commonly fail, such as the speaker, microphone, battery door, buttons, and wires.


Custom Repair

Will call with pricing

Best for hearing aid that has been damaged by water or the case has been damaged.


Our work flow

How We Work

1. Consultation

Call us, or fill out our repair form and provide details of the issues with your hearing aids

2. Diagnostics

Once we receive the hearing aid, we will analyze the device and confirm the repair.

3. Repair

After confirmation, we will proceed to fix the issues with your hearing aid.

4. Return

After the repair is complete, the hearing aid will be returned to the user with a 6-month warranty. (Only for Standard and Custom Repairs)

Make appointment

Your hearing journey

Schedule your free consultation now! Each consultation will take a maximum of 30 minutes. Complete the form to send us the date and time that will work best for you!

A representative will contact you to confirm your appointment.

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Tom Hopper


Broke the wire on my hearing aid again and can't hear anything without them. I have broken that wire on both of them at various times the pandemic face mask bands were hell on hearing aids and this time wire just wore out. Every time I have taken them to Havemens and he has repaired why I wait for about half of what the shop that sold me the hearing aids wanted, plus they wanted to send out and take two weeks. Good work, good price very happy with them.

gail johnson


Above and beyond!

I live in FL and my HA suddenly stopped working just before leaving for a trip. My internet search led me to Havmeen. I spoke to Salim on Thursday and, that same day, sent him my HA by overnight delivery. He got it on Friday, fixed it and sent it back via priority mail. It was back in my ear on Saturday! It was so easy. The work order form, prices and mailing instructions are on the Havmeen website. And Salim was always available by phone.

Paul Tomaszewski


Very Quick and Responsive

My HA came apart when I took it our of my ear. Looking at it I thought I'd have to buy a new set, ouch, very expensive. I'd used Salim before so I asked if he could rebuild it. He not only made it as good as new (it's 8 years old) but also helped rehab my other HA that had been failing. This guy is fantastic. Very responsive to comunications. Very quick. I highly recommend.


Dedicated to providing compassionate, high-quality repairs.

Although there are many causes for hearing aid issues, the most common reason your hearing aid device needs to be repaired is damage to the components due to moisture or wax, especially the microphone and speaker. The wiring inside the hearing aids is also very fragile and can easily corrode and break when exposed to moisture.

The warranty is only for 6-months long. We only warranty the parts that were repaired by us, for example: if we replaced the speaker, then the speaker is under warranty for 6-months not the entire hearing aid.

No we do not mess with the programming of the hearing aid, unless we are asked to do so by the user. If you would like to adjust the programming we would need an up to date audiogram so we can adjust the device to your specific needs.

The best way to keep your hearing aids working is to have regular cleaning and keep it dry. Regular ear cleanings with your specialist and dryer kit are critical for extending the life of your ear devices. If your hearing aid does not have a disposable wax guard system let us take care of it by installing one for you.