Havmeen Hearing Lab

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In need of Widex hearing aid repair?

If you suspect your Widex hearing aids need repair or cleaning beyond what you do at home, call us. No need to contact the manufacturer for repairs. We provide a wide range of services including minor hearing aid to major issues from all major brands hearing devices.
With over 20 years of experience working with major manufacturers including Widex , you are guaranteed high-quality service and also offer warranty for a period of time. Bring new life back to your damaged Widex hearing aid!

Why choose us to repair Widex hearing aid?

When you take your hearing aid to your local hearing aid dispenser or audiologist they will usually send it to the manufacturer and charge you as much as $600 per hearing aid repair, or more!
Our hearing aid repairs come with a 6-month warranty and since you skip the middleman you only pay $275 per hearing aid repair. Return shipping is included at no charge.

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